Annual Operating Budget

Amount used to run the annual operating expenses

Annual Beneficiary Reach

Total number of beneficiaries supported annually

Raised on Reframe

Amount of funds raised through the platform for GOFRIL Ministries


Total number of monthly donations made to GOFRIL Ministries via Reframe

About GOFRIL Ministries

GOFRIL Foundation, short for Gospel Outreach Foundation for Restoration, Inspiration, and Livelihoods, is a non-profit, non-governmental organization (NGO) committed to transforming lives. We provide spiritual services, education, and economic support to communities facing challenges. Guided by faith, compassion, and sustainable development, we aim to offer hope and opportunities to all people, regardless of religion, ethnicity, or culture. Since its founding in 2011, GOFRIL has been a catalyst for change in health, business, and entrepreneurship, working alongside international and regional organizations, churches, and key stakeholders. Our mission is to be a light to the world through acts of love, Christian discipleship, and economic empowerment.

View Our Reports
GOFRIL Foundation aims to be a light to the world by teaching, and demonstrating the Gospel through acts of compassion and sustainable growth.
To build spiritually, socially, and economically transformed communities through acts of compassion, faith, and sustainable development.
  1. RELON Malawi
  2. Cohere
  3. Reframe Network
  1. Foursquare Heartbeat Church-Australia
  2. DCCU-Dzaleka
  3. Grace Communion International Church-Canada

Relon Malawi, Reframe Network, Cohere

Network Emails: relonmalawi1@gmail.com

Contact Person: Raphael Isaac Rabin

Contact Email: info.gofril@gmail.com

Second Contact Person: GOFRIL Foundation

Secondary Email: rabinisaac22@gmail.com

Additional location: Dzaleka Refugee Camp, 316 Karonga Zone, Dowa Central Region, Malawi
